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TC-STUDIO | Software: TotalControl, Design Studio


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OVERVIEW | Software: TotalControl, Design Studio

TotalControl Design Studio is an Advanced Operator Workstation for configuring TotalControl Building Services to create a building automation system.  Once a system is set up with Design Studio, day-to-day tasks are performed through web browser pages.

Key time-saving features of Design Studio include:

  • Build operator graphic pages and then publish them for Internet browser access.
  • Use the wizards to quickly and easily configure alarms, schedules, and trends on native BACnet devices.
  • Build jobs offline and then deploy them on-site with a single click.
  • Choose from a library of hundreds of HVAC applications, with preconfigured set-ups for KMC controllers and accompanying documentation.
  • Set up continuous commissioning with the Audit application.
  • Quickly balance VAV units with the VAV balancing application tool.
  • Block or line editor for Control Basic programming.

Depending on the protocol requirements, a TotalControl site requires one or more TotalControl Building Services.

  • To add BACnet controllers to a site, see TC-BAC.
  • To add KMDigital controllers to a site, see TC-KMD


BACnet Profile

Advanced Operator Workstation


KMC Controls


Documents sorted by date, descending.
  TECHNICAL BULLETIN, Security Certificates in Gen6 Devices(Updated: 2024-12-18)  [Rev. A] View Download
  BULLETIN, TB0309A TotalControl Release Notes(Updated: 2024-11-21)  [Rev. W] View Download
  APPLICATION GUIDE, Connecting a TOSIBOX Lock to KMC Software(Updated: 2024-09-20)  [Rev. A] View Download
  APPLICATION GUIDE, KMC Input Wizards (for KMC Connect, TotalControl, or KMC Workbench for Niagara)(Updated: 2024-08-22) View Download
  SOFTWARE MANUAL TotalControl Design Studio Reference(Updated: 2024-05-13)  [Rev. X] View Download
  DATA SHEET, TotalControl Design Studio(Updated: 2024-04-19)  [Rev. T] View Download
  BULLETIN, Installing TotalControl Patch 2022-02-22)  [Rev. A] View Download
  BULLETIN, Installing TotalControl Patch 2021-01-27)  [Rev. A] View Download
  BULLETIN, Flash Player End of Life(Updated: 2021-01-12)  [Rev. A] View Download
  APPLICATION GUIDE, KMC PID Loops AG190614A (Updated: 2019-06-14)  [Rev. B] View Download
  KMC Product Overview Brochure (Updated: 2018-05-01)  [Rev. May 2018] View Download
  APPLICATION NOTE, Planning BACnet Networks (AN0404A)(Updated: 2009-08-31)  [Rev. B] View Download
  SOFTWARE MANUAL Upgrade TotalControl to 4.0  [Rev. F] View Download