Tag: K-12 Schools

AFMS Case Study | Denver Public Schools

October 12, 2023

With Characterized Airflow Performance® and its integrated AFDD functionalities, the AFMS delivered a reliable and sustainable solution, meeting the highest HVAC industry standards.

AFMS Case Study | East Coast High School

March 11, 2025

Achieving IAQ Compliance at an East Coast Hight School—By implementing TrueFit® AFMS, the school gained a complete, unified, system-level view of airflow within its HVAC units, providing accurate data with minimal maintenance requirements.

Franklin School District

October 31, 2018

This school district has equipped all its buildings with KMC parts and direct digital controls for full control of all building environments.

Nantucket Public Schools

October 31, 2018

This school district on Nantucket island installed KMC Controls to help them better manage energy usage.

Stuart Country Day School

June 28, 2019

Stuart Country Day School was looking to improve efficiency but with KMC Commander, the project evolved into a unique learning experience for the students.

What are Benefits of a BAS?

September 17, 2015
A Building Automation System (BAS) can provide many benefits for you, such as higher energy efficiency, lower operating and maintenance... Read more »