KMC Commander is growing by leaps and bounds, and our development team is churning out updates and enhancements left and right! As updates are released, we will share with you the latest and greatest right here on the Building Geniuses Blog! This last week, KMC Commander 1.2 was released, which brought a number of new features. Let’s take a look at 5 of our favorites!
1. New Large Trend Cards

Being able to see trends on your dashboard has been a feature from the beginning, but now with new larger trend cards, you can see real-time data and histories, as well as calculated data like daily, weekly, and monthly average over the course of days, week, months and years. In addition, you can see more than one point trended together, making it even easier to compare and contrast the data, whether you’re looking for performance, efficiency, or reliability metrics.
2. Automated Reporting

Up until now, reporting has been limited to trend data. Now with the ALL NEW reporting tool, you can get all the insights you’re looking for delivered to your inbox as often as you’d like. Easily create reports by selecting devices and points, what metrics you want to see, the date range you want to see, and how often you like to see it. Reports are then added to the schedule and emailed to you at a timeframe of your choosing. We’re rolling this out, so if you don’t see it now, you’ll see it soon!
3. BACnet over Ethernet Support

Open protocols are the backbone to effective and successful IoT implementations, and the KMC development team is hard at work adding more protocols all the time. Up until now, BACnet over IP has been the primary protocol, with Modbus being added earlier this year. Now BACnet over Ethernet is supported! Simply choose which method to use in the Networks tab when discovering your devices. On a related note, SNMP is done and being implemented for mid-June release.
4. Google Single Sign On (SSO)

This very special feature is cool for several reasons! First, if you or your clients are already invested in the G-Suite, Google SSO gives them seamless login capabilities into KMC Commander if their GMail address is used to set them up as a user. Second, with Google SSO you can now use features like multi-factor authentication to add a level of security to your KMC Commander project. Lastly, this is a HIDDEN feature… to activate, click the far lower right-side corner of the Login screen… enjoy!
5. Logout Project Switcher

While the new Google SSO feature is cool, we’ve added a nice logout feature as well. If you want to switch projects, you no longer have to logout and log back in. Now, KMC Commander gives you the option to switch projects OR logout. We know this will save you a lot of time, because it’s saved US a lot of time.
These are only a few of the features released in KMC Commander 1.2. For a complete list, login to Partners and view the related Tech Bulletin. There were a lot of back-end enhancements that further increasing the speed and reliability of the platform, not to mention all the things supporting the next (and larger) release next month, KMC Commander 2.0. Keep an eye out for more in a couple weeks!
POST UPDATE: See KMC Commander 2.0 updates!